‘The History of Us | Ein Hanes Ni’ was a research and development project between Bermuda and Wales (May - June 2021) which explored how artists from different backgrounds, cultures, and languages share their artistic process and practice through discussions and dance sessions.
Throughout the duration of this project, a team of five artists (from Bermuda and Wales) led each other in ten dance sessions centered around discussions about the connections between arts and culture and how they shaped their development. The aims were to share the contrasts while highlighting the commonalities between experiences of dance in both cultures.
Together they explored how individual lived experiences can be connected and shared through discussion and dance as a means of allowing that knowledge to strengthen their working practices as artists.
See below to read the artists’ v/blogs.
Meet the Artists:
Tiānshǐ is a Bermudian dance artist whose work is influenced by identity and mental health. Her art focuses on transforming inward emotions to expressive movement as a therapeutic tool.
Artist dawns o Bermiwda yw Tiānshǐ ac mae ei gwaith wedi cael ei ddylanwadu gan hunaniaeth ac iechyd meddwl. Mae ei chelf yn canolbwyntio ar drawsnewid emosiynau mewnol i symudiad mynegiannol fel arf therapiwtig.
Osian Meilir is a dance and movement artist from West Wales. His interest in culture, identity, and human connection drives his artistic practice and informs his work as a freelance performer and choreographer.
Artist dawns a symudiad yw Osian Meilir o Orllewin Cymru. Mae ei ddiddordeb mewn diwylliant, hunaniaeth, a chyswllt dyno lyn gyrru ei ymarfer artistig ac yn goleuo ei waith fel perfformiwr a choreograffydd ar ei liwt ei hun.
Marcus “Zebra” Smith is a Bermuda born, New York-based dancer, actor and choreographer. His works utilize fluid contemporary with the high energy entertainment of commercial hip hop as a form of storytelling.
Coreograffydd, dawnsiwr ac actor yw Marcus “Zebra” Smith a aned yn Bermiwda. Mae ei waith yn defnyddio dawns gyfoes lyfn gydag adloniant ynni uchel hip-hop masnachol fel ffurf o adrodd stori.
Anya Sirina is a Welsh performance artist with a research and movement practice based in Glasgow. Anya makes work that often explores the dichotomy of vulnerability and empowerment.
Mae Anya Sirina yn artist o ogledd Cymru gydag ymarfer dawns ac ymchwil wedi ei lleoli yn Glasgow. Mae Anya yn creu gwaith sy'n aml yn archwilio deuoliaeth bregusrwydd a grymuso.