Cysylltiadau Creadigol | Creative Connections

 Cysylltiadau Creadigol | Creative Connections

Zine Hunaniaethau Croestoriadol | An Intersectional Identities Zine

A leaf-less tree with grass and long vines.

Ysgrifennwyd gan | Written by: Krystal S. Lowe, Alys Parsons, and Sandra Bendelow
gyda chymorth gan | with support from Nadia Nur, Karema Ahmed, and Stephanie Bailey-Scott

Crëwyd gan | Created by: Jessie Begum

Ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Sefydliad Dawns Cenedlaethol Bermuda | Funded by the Arts Council Wales and The National Dance Foundation of Bermuda

Leaves trailing across the page in a row.

Intersectional Identities | Hunaniaethau Croestoriadol

Prosiect 18-mis yw’r Hunaniaethau Croestoriadol sy’n edrych ar bobl F/fyddar, pobl Ddu, a siaradwyr Cymraeg, a gweld sut mae’r hunaniaethau hyn yn gorgyffwrdd (croestorri). Rydym wedi edrych ar hyn yn nhermau cynulleidfaoedd, pobl sy’n gweithio yn sector y celfyddydau, a sefydliadau celfyddydol. 

The Intersectional Identities project is an 18 month project looking at D/deaf, Black, and Welsh speaking people and how these identities overlap (intersect). We have looked at this in terms of audiences, people working in the arts sector, and arts organisations. 

Croestoriadol = Dau neu ragor o bethau’n gorgyffwrdd â’i gilydd. 

Intersectional = Two or more things overlapping each other.

A street intersection.

Ar gyfer y prosiect hwn rydym yn ffocysu ar groesi dros hunaniaethau Byddar, Du a siaradwyr Cymraeg, ac yn archwilio sut mae rhywun sy’n uniaethu fel perthyn i fwy nag un o’r grwpiau hyn yn cael eu trin gan sectorau’r celfyddydau a diwylliant.

Two Black people. One saying 'Shwmae!' the other 'How are you?' in British Sign Language.

For this project we are focusing on the cross over of Deaf, Black, and Welsh-speaking identities; and exploring how someone who identifies as more than one of these groups is treated by the arts and cultural sectors. 

Mae gan y prosiect 6 phartner | The project has 6 partners

Deaf Hub Cymru, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Krystal S. Lowe, Cwmni Dawns Cenedlaethol Cymru, Cwmni Theatr Taking Flight ac RSPB Cymru.

Deaf Hub Wales, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru, Krystal S. Lowe, National Dance Company Wales, Taking Flight Theatre Company and The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Wales (RSPB).

Brown and pale hands shaking with six heads connected by colourful lines.

Y 5 nod / amcan cychwynnol ar gyfer y prosiect oedd:

The 5 initial goals/ objectives for the project were to:


Datblygu cynulleidfaoedd, cyfranogwyr ac artistiaid newydd, gyda ffocws penodol ar bobl F/fyddar, Du a siaradwyr Cymraeg. 

Develop new audiences, participants, and artists, with specific focus on D/deaf, Black, and Welsh speaking people.


Creu dulliau sy’n gorgyffwrdd ar gyfer rhannu, cynllunio prosiect a rheoli cynhyrchu, a siarad am ‘y celfyddydau a diwylliant’.

Create overlapping approaches to sharing, project planning and managing producing, and talking about ‘arts & culture’.

A drawing of film strip, paint brush and palette and musical notes.


Archwilio sut y gellir defnyddio gofodau yn yr awyr agored i wella lles, hybu cynaliadwyedd amgylcheddol, a chynwysoldeb diwylliannol. 

Explore how outdoor spaces can be used to enhance wellbeing, promote environmental  sustainability, and cultural inclusion. 

A drawing of the sun above a Black woman’s head. Her hair are two waterfalls.


Adeiladu perthnasoedd newydd, hir-dymor rhwng sefydliadau/llawryddion a chanddynt wahanol brofiadau a gwybodaeth.

Build new, long lasting relationships between organisations/freelancers with different experience and knowledge.


Hyrwyddo dawns fel ffurf ar gelf sy’n gynhwysol ac yn gyfnewidiadwy.

Promote dance as an inclusive, relatable artform.

Multi-coloured sketches of people dancing.

Beth Ddigwyddodd? | What Happened?

Sgyrsiau’r Partneriaid | Partner Conversations

Buom yn gweithio ar y prosiect ar-lein gan ddefnyddio ein sgyrsiau gyda phartneriaid i newid ein hagwedd at ddulliau o weithio. 

We worked on the project online using our partner conversations to amend approaches to our ways of working. 

Dywedodd pob un o’r partneriaid | All partners said: 

Roedd yn werth ei wneud | It was worth it
Cymerodd fwy o amser na’r disgwyl | It took longer than expected.
Sbardunwyd nifer o drafodaethau ac roedd yn werth rhoi’r amser iddo. | It sparked lots of conversations and was worth giving the time.

Pale purple clouds with birds flying.

Recriwtiwyd dros 68 o Lawryddion! | Recruited over 68 Freelancers!

Recriwtwyr Llawryddion


Herio’r dulliau arferol o recriwtio, ac archwilio dewisiadau eraill; 

Archwilio sut y gellir estyn y tu hwnt i’r rhwydweithiau arferol; 

Ffocysu ar brofiad byw, cymryd risg, rhoi cyfleoedd nad ydynt yn seiliedig ar y rhai sy’n draddodiadol yn fwyaf profiadol.


Hwyluswyr Sgyrsiau ac Ymarferwyr Symud a chanddynt brofiad byw o hunaniaethau croestoriadol; agweddau unigol, creadigol at eu gwaith, ac amrywiaeth eang o lawryddion yn cydweithio, gan rannu sgiliau a gwybodaeth i gryfhau eu gwaith yn barhaus.  

Freelance Recruiters


Challenge how recruitment is usually done and explore other options; 

Explore how to reach beyond usual networks; 

Focus on lived experience, taking risks, giving opportunities not based on most traditionally experienced.


Conversation Facilitators and Movement Practitioners who had lived experience of intersectional identities; individual, creative approaches to their work, and a wide diversity of freelancers working collaboratively, sharing skills and knowledge to continually strengthen their work.  

Swirling leaves.

Swirling leaves.

Hwylusydd Sgyrsiau = Rhai sy’n cefnogi grwpiau o bobl i gynnal sgyrsiau. 

Conversation Facilitator = Those who support groups of people to have conversations.

Ymarferydd Symud = Rhai sy’n ymarfer symud fel ffurf ar gelf.

Movement Practitioner = Those who practise movement as an art form.

Sgyrsiau Creadigol | Creative Conversations

Gofodau oedd y Sgyrsiau Creadigol, a gynhaliwyd mewn Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL), Cymraeg a Saesneg, gyda’r bwriad o gael pobl i gysylltu â’i gilydd trwy archwilio eu hawydd am y celfyddydau a diwylliant. 

Daeth yr hwyluswyr Molara Awen, Bev Lennon ac Emily Rose â darlun mawr o goeden i mewn i bob gofod, gan annog y cyfranogwyr i ychwanegu eu hymatebion eu hunain i’r cwestiynau. 

Wrth droed y goeden mae yna sylwadau am hanes y celfyddydau a diwylliant yng Nghymru; yn y canol mae myfyrdodau ar sector y celfyddydau ar hyn o bryd; ac ar frig y goeden mae gobeithion a dymuniadau ar gyfer y dyfodol. 

The Creative Conversations were spaces held, in British Sign Language, Welsh, and English for people to connect with each other by exploring their desires for arts and culture. 

Facilitators Molara Awen, Bev Lennon, and Emily Rose brought a large drawing of a tree into each space and encouraged participants to draw and add their own responses to the questions. 

At the base of the tree are thoughts around the history of Welsh arts and culture; in the middle are reflections on the current arts sector; at the top of the tree hopes and wishes for the future. 

Leaves drawn on a pale yellow background.

Ymarferydd Symud | Movement Practitioners

Treuliodd y pedwar ymarferydd symud bythefnos yn datblygu eu hymarfer symud er mwyn gallu arwain cyfres o weithdai byw a digidol. 

Roedd yr hyfforddiant yn cynnwys: 

Sesiynau ar yr iaith Gymraeg ac Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL);

Sesiwn gyda’r RSPB i ddysgu sut i weithredu themâu’n seiliedig ar natur fel rhan o’r gweithdai symud;

Ac archwilio gydag Amy Doughty sut i sicrhau bod eu sesiynau’n fwy hygyrch i’r rhai sy’n cymryd rhan. 

The four movement practitioners spent two weeks developing their movement practice in order to lead a series of live and digital workshops. 

Training involved: 

Welsh and British Sign Language sessions;

RSPB session to learn how to implement nature-based workshop themes into their movement workshops;

And exploring with Amy Doughty how to ensure their sessions are more accessible for participants. 

Diwrnod Hwyl i’r Teulu gyda Whimsy | Whimsy’s Family Fun Day

Drwy gyfrwng gweithdai Iaith Arwyddion Prydain BSL), gweithdai Symud, Sgyrsiau Creadigol, Teithiau Natur dan arweiniad yr RSPB, a pherfformiadau Whimsy, ein nod oedd rhannu’r hyn a ddysgwyd drwy’r prosiect a chysylltu â’r gymuned leol.

Through British Sign Language workshops, Movement workshops, Creative Conversations, RSPB-led Nature Explorations, and Whimsy performances our aim was to share the project learning and to connect with the local community.

Rhan bwysig iawn o’r diwrnod hwyl hwn oedd sicrhau bod pawb yn cael eu cynnwys, yn ogystal â sicrhau bod y cymunedau roedden ni’n eu targedu yn rhan o’r gwaith o gynllunio a chyflwyno’r diwrnod.  
Dywedodd Deaf Hub Cymru, arweinwyr y prosiect, pa mor bwysig yw hi bod pobl Fyddar yn cael cyfle i wirfoddoli, felly fe gawsom gymorth gan Heather Williams (Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr, â thâl) i redeg y Diwrnod Hwyl gyda 5 o wirfoddolwyr Byddar. Roedd yn bwysig i’r prosiect ein bod yn cyflogi person Byddar i recriwtio a chefnogi’r gwirfoddolwyr Byddar. Roedd hyn yn sicrhau bod gan eu prif gyswllt wybodaeth uniongyrchol o’u profiad byw hwy a’u pŵer i gymryd penderfyniadau o fewn y prosiect.

A very important part of this fun day was to ensure everybody was included, as well as guaranteeing that all the communities we were targeting were a part of the planning and presenting of the day.

Project lead Deaf Hub Wales shared how important volunteering opportunities were for Deaf people so we had Heather Williams (Paid Volunteer Co-ordinator) support the Fun Day with 5 Deaf volunteers. It was important to the process that we hired a Deaf person to recruit and support the Deaf volunteers. This ensured that their main point of contact had direct knowledge of their lived experience and decision-making power within the project. 


Fel rhan o’r prosiect fe roddwyd prawf ar ein dysgu trwy greu a theithio Whimsy gan Krystal S. Lowe – gwaith theatr ddawns yw hwn, ar gyfer cynulleidfaoedd ifanc, yn cael ei adrodd drwy Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL), Cymraeg a Saesneg. Teithiodd Whimsy i 6 o ganolfannau ledled Cymru yn ystod haf 2022: Pafiliwn y Grange, yr Eisteddfod, Canolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter, Theatr Glan yr Afon, Gŵyl y Dyn Gwyrdd, a Charnifal Tre-biwt.

As part of the project we tested our learning by creating and touring Krystal S. Lowe’s Whimsy - a dance theatre work for young audiences told through British Sign Language, Welsh, and English. Whimsy toured 6 venues across Wales during the summer of 2022; Grange Pavillion, Eisteddfod, Chapter Arts Centre, The Riverfront Theatre, Green Man Festival, and Butetown Carnival.

A drawing of a sun.

Adlewyrchu | Reflections

Drwy bob cam o’r prosiect, roedd y tîm yn dechrau trwy ysgrifennu’r dulliau gorau o weithio gan sicrhau bod cyfle i adlewyrchu a gwerthuso drwy gydol y prosiect. 

Ble rydw i?: Cynhaliwyd y dasg werthuso hon ar ddechrau ail wythnos ymarferion Whimsy er mwyn deall i ba gyfeiriad, ym marn y tîm, roedd pethau’n mynd. 

Throughout each stage of the project the team began with writing out best ways of working and ensured to reflect and evaluate throughout the process. 

Where Am I: This evaluation task took place at the beginning of the second week of Whimsy rehearsals in order to understand where the team felt things were heading. 

Dyfyniadau o’r dasg werthuso a gwblhawyd yn ystod Ymarfer Whimsy.

Quotes from the Where Am I evaluation exercise completed by during a Whimsy Rehearsal.

The space feels a very positive place to work.
This space is safe
Looking forward to sharing our practice with the sector and getting feedback
Lovely to hear Welsh spoken in the space so freely.
I hope that I gain some confidence from working on this project

A stalk of leaves.

Mae’r gofod yn teimlo fel lle positif iawn i weithio
Mae hwn yn ofod diogel
Dwi’n edrych mlaen at rannu ein hymarfer gyda’r sector a chael adborth
Mae’n wych clywed Cymraeg yn cael ei siarad mor rhydd yn y gofod
Dwi’n gobethio y byddaf yn ennill tipyn o hyder trwy wneud y prosiect hwn

Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cefnogi'r gwaith hwn a chyfrannu eu hamser, eu profiad a'u harbenigedd i'r prosiect hwn dros y 18 mis diwethaf.

Thanks to everyone who supported this work and contributed their time, experience, and expertise to this project over the past 18-months.

Sarah Adedeji, Claire Anderson, Molara Awen, Jessie Begum, Sandra Bendalow, Jacob Bevan, Ffion Bowen, Stephen Brattan-Wilson, Sarah Chew, Eirian Conlon, Taking Flight Theatre Company, Emily Rose Corby, Kizzy Crawford, Eisteddfod Genelaethol Cymru, Kirsty Dix, Amy Doughty, Jonathan Dunn, Jules Enebi, Sherrie Eugene-Hart, Heledd Evens, Alice Foster, John Fraser-Natale, Matthew Gough, Miriam Grimshaw, Ioan Gwyn, Nikki Harris, Sam Hopkins, Emma Horton, Amber Howells, Hanna Hughes, Eleri Huws, Fosia Ibrahim, Safyan Iqbal, Vilma Jackson, Rachel Jones, Cathryn McShane Kouyate, Bev Lenon, Krystal S. Lowe, Rebecca Mahoney, Sarah Rhys Martin, David McSault, Zoe McWhinny, Drip Media, Rachel Merry, Nia Morris, Donna Mullings, Keith Murell, Yvonne Murphy, Guy O’Donnell, Izegbuwa Oleghe, Dafydd Owen, Nez Parr, Alys Parsons, Grange Pavilion, Perla Ponce, Dominika Rau, Mehdi Razi, REMARK, Elen Roberts, Alys Robinson, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Plamedi Santima, Chesere Smith, Rebekah Spencer, Ruth Stringer, Vivi Valiamé, Deaf Hub Wales, National Dance Company Wales, Emma-Jane Weeks, Steffan Wiliam, Heather Wiliams, Mujib Yahaya, Gundija Zandersona, Sarah Zyborska