The Exploration of Integrating Access:
A Sharing of Ways to Integrate Access in Dance and Theatre Agenda
with Krystal S. Lowe, Stephanie Back, Yvonne Murphy, and Elise Davison
December 10th 10:00am – 11:30am
Welcome and Introduction into the project: Krystal
The Exploration of the Greater Accessibility of Whimsy was a four-month exploration of integrated access in dance and theatre funded by Arts Council Wales, Welsh Government, and The National Lottery. This agenda outlines key learning outcomes throughout this informal, artist-led process.
Part 1. Lived Experience: Krystal
Hears in colours- Make Whimsy more visual/Doesn’t like ‘access’ – it should be a given.
The importance of being able to communicate with audiences before and after performance – Why don’t we just learn BSL as choreography?
Think/Plan/Try/Fail/Try Better
Toolkit: Developing D/deaf, deafened and hard of hearing audiences in Wales
“Nothing about us without us”
“Deaf audiences are being let down”
The panic when you can see lips moving but there is no explanation – We must establish why they’re speaking.
If D/deaf audiences give critical feedback then that means they trust enough to share and help make things better.
Don’t say who the access is for – just explain what you’re offering.
‘Access being cared for – like the interpreter – means those using the access also feel cared for.’
90% of Deaf children are born to hearing parents – What does this mean for the spaces we create with the intention for D/deaf people feeling welcomed to be who they are?
“You can really tell when access is thought about and when it’s a last-minute decision.”
Part 2. Rehearsal Period: Yvonne
Allowing for shorter work days and/or mid-week days off during rehearsal period.
Having Deaf artists and Interpreters consulting from the start – Why don’t we just bring them in at the end to take a look? Ensure good oversight with the development of the work/consultants/BSL interpreter/and test audiences.
Taking Flight Youth Theatre to consult during rehearsal period – What is the value in this?
Access to Work and ACW Additional Access Budget.
Part 3. Performance: Yvonne
Simplified Text and Creative Captions
Pre-show character descriptions and giving context to the storyline – The programme with the story inside for people to read beforehand.
‘Social model of disability’ – What is it and why is this important?
Marketing: E-flyer, BSL flyer, Audio flyer, Welsh language flyer: Diversity doesn’t end with D/deaf artists – how do we ensure a mixture of race and ethnicity in the marketing as well?
Why can’t we use BSL while speaking? ‘Sign Supported English’
The importance of ensuring there are D/deaf people employed on the project.
No jargon
Relaxed Performances? – What are they and why do we need them?
‘Start at the point of the user’ – ‘Go to where people already are’
Free or half-priced tickets for personal interpreters or support workers.
Development Plan based on Sessions: Krystal
Share - Whimsy Integrated Access Development Plan
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Contact Me for sharing notes, transcript and recording.